Unbelievable Support

We strive to make our customers happy

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Please see our initial FAQ’s below or ask your own questions. We are a developing company in a developing industry. We value your input and feedback.
Please send us your feedback and input to support@equestfile.com.

What do I need to do to sign up and download the software?

Go to the signup page and fill out the signup form. There is no software to download. The platform is on a secure service that we will give you access to once you have signed up. Go to the App Store to download the app to your iPhone.

I see you have a 14 day free trial for the platform. Do you require my credit card to sign up for the free trial?

Yes, we do require a credit card for the 14 day free trial period. But, if you cancel before that period ends there will never be a charge on your credit card. If you find you love the platform (and we are sure you will) you just continue on entering your important horse information and we will charge your card. No need to contact us again.

How am I sure that the information that we input is secure?

Our server center is staffed with trained data center technicians and certified security and networking teams. The data center is secured by keycards, biometric scanning and 24×7 surveillance. We run a Cisco 3DES Encryption data line to a Cisco ASA 5510 Firewall which allows them to monitor all ports and packet data coming in and going out. This is monitored 24×7. We have dedicated firewall and VPN services to block any and all unauthorized access to the system. We also employ a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) mitigation services based protection to prevent any attacks. Data protection is implemented with daily rotational backups and fail over security so that we are operational 24×7.

We have completed all these security measures so that all of our clients can have peace of mind that their data is absolutely secure and safe. All personal information is encrypted with a 256bit SHA-2 algorithm that was designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) and is in use by US Government Agencies and a part of the US Federal Information Processing Standard.

I love your platform and want to use it going forward with my farm. But I am too busy right now to enter all the horses, feeding regimes and other data I need to enter. Can EquestFile help me?

Yes, we would love to help! However, it will take some gathering and disseminating of information from you to us. Click here for pricing for this service and to see the files and information we need from you to get your farm up to date as of today.

How do I add new horses, feeding regimens, training schedules and other horse activities?

The platform was designed for quick and easy data entry requiring little learning time on the part of the user. It was designed for busy barn managers working outside with not a lot of time to do record keeping. The platform is very user friendly. But, as a client, you will have access to the user manual, telephone, online and text support. If you need help…we are here for you.

Do you have a mobile app?

Yes! We have built a native iPhone app and it is great to use! We also have a mobile responsive version of our desktop app that Android users can access through their mobile browser!

(we are also working on a new Android native app that should be arriving soon as well!)

Can I cancel at anytime?

Yes, your subscription maybe canceled at anytime.

Still Need Help?

We value your input and feedback. Please send us your ideas and requests to support@equestfile.com

Contact Support

Email us at support@equestfile.com
Text or Call us here at 1-800-203-6219 for support

Ready to Get Started?

Feel free to fill out the form below for more information.
Or, you can click here to sign up for a FREE 14 day trial!

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