We are working diligently to get the first version of EquestFile to you.  It is really going to be slick and will definitely help to keep you on track with your barn duties and records.

We found this great article from EquiMed that talks about how important good housekeeping is for your barn.  Specifically, the article outlines how important record keeping is.  The following is the dialogue regarding record keeping.

“In spite of the best intentions, very few of us are able to remember everything involved in taking care of our horses on a daily basis. Having a system of record keeping that allows you to make quick notations and keep adequate records of all pertinent information related to the health, care, and keeping of your horse will enable you to stay on top of things, whether it’s remembering the timing of deworming treatments or when your horse had its last tetanus booster.

If you are adept with a computer, you may purchase software that will be helpful in scheduling and maintaining a log of what’s happening on a daily basis. (EquestFile!) For some people, notations on a calendar or daily planner works well; for others keeping a linear record in a notebook or keeping records in a three ring binder is sufficient.

A box with index cards and dividers for different categories can be very useable, and, of course, photos of your horse, whether for the sheer beauty of the animal or to show an injury or a case of skin rash can become part of your record-keeping system.

Whatever method you choose, you should make sure to include the following items along with any others that are important in your particular case:

  • Contact information for veterinarians, equine hospitals, farriers, trainers or anyone else involved with your horse
  • Appointments with your veterinarian
  • Baseline vital signs
  • Vaccinations
  • Parasite Control
  • Dental Examinations
  • Farrier work
  • Medical incidents
  • Blood work
  • Medications
  • Diagnostic images provided by your veterinarian
  • Joint injections
  • Breeding records
  • Competition and training events
  • Feeding schedules, daily rations and supplements
  • Behavioral episodes such as sudden bouts of head tossing, etc.
  • Pedigree information if available
  • Hay and feed deliveries

In addition you should keep a record profile of each horse including purchase information and insurance policy numbers, training information, and performance records, costs involved with each horse, and any other records or schedules related to managing your horse and barn.”

All the above records will easily be entered,  recorded and saved in EquestFile.  We can’t wait to roll it out to you.

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